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Body Image

Mother's Body Image Affecting Sister

My mum has always been very slim but in the last few years she has put on a kilo or two. By no means is she overweight, in fact, she is probably now a more healthy weight for her height and age. I love her and think she looks great for her age, but whenever she sees a photo of herself she constantly criticises it, commenting on how "fat, old and wrinkly" she looks. It's not true at all! My sister and I both hear these comments. They don't affect me but I think they unknowingly affect my little sister. She also constantly comments on the way she looks and compares herself to models on Instagram or in magazines. They are both beautiful, but even more importantly they are also amazingly witty, incredibly funny and super intelligent!

How do I ask my mum to refrain making comments around my sister? I don't want to offend her parenting or make it seem like her body image problems aren't important. On top of that, how do I show my sister that there's more to life than how she looks? I want to teach her that values such as funny, smart, creative and driven, matter much more than "being pretty.”
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