whatyouusetowalkyourdog Bullying Why do people call me names when I play Dota 2? How do I get better at Dota 2 when people call me names? I am 12 btw. 5 Likes 3 53 Views Like Share Share On Facebook Twitter Copy Link REPLY Report as abuseReport as spamReport as a concern
edward 2 49 Because you are on the de-rank. Like Share Share On Facebook Twitter Copy Link REPLY Report as abuseReport as spamReport as a concern
Baths Admin 1 48 1 Just close the laptop SMH. Like Share Share On Facebook Twitter Copy Link REPLY Report as abuseReport as spamReport as a concern
whatyouusetowalkyourdog 1 47 D": Not like this Like Share Share On Facebook Twitter Copy Link REPLY Report as abuseReport as spamReport as a concern
mikaelasmith Bullying IKEA Asked School Students to Bully A Plant For 30 Days, And Results Are Astonishing 0 0 18 Share On Facebook Twitter Copy Link REPLY Report as abuseReport as spamReport as a concern
mikaelasmith Bullying Melania Trump Was Bullied Following Her Anti-Bullying Speech 0 0 50 Share On Facebook Twitter Copy Link REPLY Report as abuseReport as spamReport as a concern